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 The CENIGENT Peak Health and Vitality Program:  Is It a Fit for Me?

You Don't have to Be Sick to Get Better!
(And if you are, CENIGENT can make a difference for you too.)

We hope by now you understand that in order to age less and get more out of life, there is no quick fix. No one-size-fits-all solution. Your body is an integrated, inter-connected, interdependent network of information systems that need balance, fine-tuning, and optimization in the context of specific, in-depth testing and assessment. Right down to your DNA.

And your body needs a completely customized plan to help you age less and get more out of life, no matter what your age. It needs to be scientifically researched and specifically recommended by a doctor who wants to help you and work with you to achieve your best results—not merely write you prescriptions.

CENIGENT’s anti-aging program is for people who want peak health and vitality—no matter how old they are. Whether you feel pretty good “for your age,” have a few existing health conditions, or perhaps you’ve already begun to experience a decline in your energy, memory, mood, libido or overall health, CENIGENT may be a fit for you.

If you’re a man or woman experiencing the inevitable hormone changes we all go through as we age (menopause for women, andropause for men), then CENIGENT is an ideal fit for you, especially if noticed any changes in these areas:

  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Libido
  • Sexual performance
  • Energy
  • Exercise capacity
  • Vision
  • Skin

Explore the many benefits CENIGENT has to offer!

You can control how your body ages and the impact it has on your ability to enjoy life and live longer. Here are just a few of the benefits the CENIGENT Peak Health and Vitality Program can provide:


Enhanced energy and mood
Improved cognition and memory
Increased exercise capacity
Improved Cardiovascular health
Enhanced libido
Optimal weight maintenance
Improved skin texture, tightness, pigmentation
Improved immune health
Improved wound healing
Improved joint/bone health
Better sleep habits
Resolution of symptoms of Menopause and Andropause (male menopause)
Improved self-esteem
Better ability to deal with stress
The delay and resolution of your chronic diseases and disease risk factors

If you want to know more about how optimizing and restoring your 8 Vital Systems can help you achieve your specific health goals, be sure and get your copy of “Age Less. Live More. The Get-Started Guide to Restoring and Enjoying Peak Health,” our free 20-page brochure. You can call our office, and we’ll mail you one, or click to download a PDF electronic version.

CENIGENT can also help patients with a variety of chronic conditions or diseases.

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